An Overview of Hail and Wind Damage Insurance Claims

hail damage

Dealing with hail and wind damage can be overwhelming for property owners. Hailstones can batter roofs, dent siding, and smash windows, and strong winds can topple trees and rip structures apart. Both events leave behind costly repairs and potential safety hazards.

Understanding how to navigate the insurance claims process is crucial for recovering these losses. By staying informed about the necessary steps and requirements, property owners can expedite claims, secure fair compensation, and effectively restore their properties.

Parker Lipman can provide guidance on filing hail and wind damage claims, helping you to protect your investment and regain peace of mind.

Understanding Hail and Wind Damage

Hail and wind damage can devastate properties. Hailstones impact roofs, dent siding, and shatter windows, creating immediate and obvious problems. Winds, especially strong ones, topple trees and rip apart structures, often removing shingles and breaking branches.

Signs of hail damage include bruised shingles, cracked tiles, and dents in metal surfaces. Wind damage appears as missing shingles, broken windows, and downed trees. Regularly inspect roofs, walls, and windows for these issues. Doing so helps ensure early detection, so you can make quick repairs.

Assessing the Damage

If you happen to be home during a significant storm, document the storm with video and photos of the hail size if safety permits. After the storm, gather some hailstones and photograph them next to a ruler or coins to indicate their size. Real-time footage is the best evidence of the severity of the storm and the size of the hail, and it can be used to assess the likelihood that observed damage was storm-related.

To inspect your property for damage after a hail or windstorm, start by walking around the exterior. Look for obvious signs such as dented siding, broken windows, and missing shingles. Next, check the roof for bruised or cracked shingles, and inspect gutters for dents and blockages. Don't forget to examine the inside of your home for any leaks or water stains on ceilings and walls.

Professional assessments are crucial, too. Experts have the tools and knowledge to evaluate the structural integrity of your property thoroughly, and they can identify hidden damage that you might overlook.

Always document the damage by taking clear, date-stamped photos and detailed notes. Doing so will be invaluable when filing your insurance claim. It gives you a comprehensive record of all damages to support your claim effectively. Proper assessment and documentation expedite the repair process and help secure fair compensation.

Filing a Hail and Wind Damage Claim

  • Initial Steps to Take After You Discover Damage

Immediately after discovering hail or wind damage, prioritize safety, and take steps to prevent further damage. Secure your property by covering broken windows with plywood or tarps. Then, remove any hazards like fallen branches.

  • Contacting Your Insurance Company

Once your property is secure, promptly contact your insurance company to report the damage. Provide them with all relevant details, including the date and nature of the storm, and arrange for an adjuster to assess the property.

  • Necessary Documentation and Evidence for Claims

Gather and organize all necessary documentation and evidence to support your claim. Take clear, date-stamped photos of all damaged areas, both inside and out. Keep repair estimates, receipts, and a detailed inventory of damaged items. Thorough documentation allows for accurate and swift processing of your claim, helping you receive proper compensation for the repairs.

The Claims Process

  • The Typical Steps

The claims process begins with the property owner reporting the damage to the insurance company. The insurer then assigns an adjuster to the case, who schedules a time to assess the damage. The policyholder must provide all necessary documentation, including photos, receipts, and repair estimates. The adjuster prepares a report, which the insurance company reviews to determine coverage and compensation. Once approved, the insurer disburses funds to the policyholder for repairs.

  • Role of Insurance Adjusters in the Damage Assessment

Insurance adjusters play a critical role in evaluating the extent of the damage. They conduct thorough inspections, document findings, and estimate the cost of repairs. Adjusters ensure that the claims are accurate and complete, facilitating a fair settlement between the policyholder and the insurance company.

  • Timeframe for Resolution

The timeframe for resolving a claim varies, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months. Prompt reporting and complete documentation from the policyholder expedite the process. Regular follow-ups with the insurance company can also help ensure timely resolution.

Challenges in the Claims Process

Filing hail and wind damage claims can be riddled with challenges.

Common problems with wind and hail damage claims include:

  • Disputes over the cause of damage, coverage, and repair costs
  • Delayed payments, which can drag out the repair process
  • Undervalued claims, where the insurance adjuster's estimates are lower than actual repair costs
  • Insufficient documentation, leading the insurance company to dispute the extent of the damage

To handle disputes, first, review your policy to understand your coverage. Then, communicate clearly with your insurance adjuster and present your detailed evidence. If necessary, hire a public adjuster or legal counsel to advocate on your behalf. Thorough documentation and proactive communication are vital to overcoming these challenges and securing fair compensation.

The Role of a Public Adjuster

  • What Is a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is an insurance professional who advocates on behalf of the policyholder in the claims process. Unlike insurance company adjusters, public adjusters represent the interests of the property owner, helping ensure they receive a fair and thorough settlement.

  • Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster for Your Claim

Public adjusters bring expertise and experience to the table, often identifying damages that policyholders might miss. They handle the extensive documentation and negotiation required, expediting the process and increasing the likelihood of a higher settlement. By managing interactions with the insurance company, they alleviate stress and burden on the policyholder.

  • How to Choose a Reputable Public Adjuster

To find a reputable public adjuster, start by verifying their license and checking for any complaints they’ve received through your state's insurance department. Seek recommendations from trusted sources and read client reviews. Make sure they have experience with your type of claim. Also, ask about their fee structure upfront. Choose someone who communicates clearly and has a solid track record of successful claims.

The Benefits of Hiring an Attorney for Your Claim

Hiring an attorney can be particularly advantageous if your insurance claim is complex, significantly undervalued, or has been denied. Our team brings a deep understanding of insurance law to the table, which can be invaluable in navigating the intricacies of your policy and the claims process. Our attorneys are skilled in negotiation and can advocate effectively to maximize your compensation. If your claim leads to litigation, we can represent you in court, ensuring that your legal rights are protected throughout the process.

If you are having difficulty with a hail or wind damage claim Parker Lipman can help. Contact our team online or call our office at (720) 408-6840. Initial consultations are free.
